Monday, October 20, 2014

The Palms National Park and Swinging Bridge Park, Cooyar, QLD.

The Palms National Park.

The Palms National Park is about 94 km north of Toowoomba and about 8 km north-east of Cooyar. It is a very small national park that protects a patch of piccabeen palms Archontophoenix cunninghamiana and sub-tropical rainforest. There are a couple of picnic tables and a 650 m circuit track with boardwalks through the forest. There is no camping or pets allowed. The piccabeens are a haven for grey-headed flying foxes in the summer. Locals told us that it is a haven for sulphur-crested cockatoos in spring so we will have to go back and see.

Swinging Bridge Park, Cooyar.

Swinging Bridge Park is behind the Cooyar Hotel, on the banks of Cooyar Creek. It is a free camping spot for up to 48 hours. There are picnic tables and wood BBQ’s. The old toilet block has been closed down so it’s a bit of a walk to the amenities block. 

Suspension Swinging Bridge, Cooyar

Camping Area at Swinging Bridge Park, Cooyar

Cooyar Creek
We have a friend who had been to a number of places that are good for viewing platypus but had never been successful in seeing one until she stayed the night in the Cooyar Hotel and saw one here in Cooyar Creek.  We saw Australian King Parrots on the banks of Cooyar Creek. Barn Owls are known to roost in the trees around the park.

Australian King Parrot, male

Australian King Parrot, female

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