Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Currimundi Lake (Kathleen McArthur) Conservation Park, Sunshine Coast QLD

Currimundi Lake (Kathleen McArthur) Conservation Park is our all time favourite place to walk and photograph birds. The main entry to the Conservation Park is at the end of Coongarra Esplanade on the northern shore of Currimundi Lake, about 4 km north of Caloundra.The park is named after Kathleen McArthur, a wildflower artist and conservationist who campaigned to have this and other wallum heathlands protected on the Sunshine Coast.

Entry to Currimundi Lake (Kathleen McArthur) Conservation Park

No pets are allowed in the conservation park and there are no facilities other than walking tracks.  However, there are picnic tables, BBQs, a playground, toilets and pets are allowed in the adjoining Crummunda Park which stretches along the foreshore of Currimundi Lake. There is no camping in either park. This whole area is lovingly watched over by the Friends of Currimundi group and local residents. 

Art Installations in Crummunda Park

Currimundi Lake is a popular place to kayak, swim and fish. There is a kayak launching platform in Crummunda Park near the entry to the Conservation Park.

Kayak Launching Platform, Currimundi Lake
Currimundi Lake

Walks in Currimundi Lake (Kathleen McArthur) Conservation Park

A map of the walks can be found here:

The Heath Circuit is a 1.4 km return, Class 2 walk.

The Heath Circuit

The Beach Access Track is a 2 km return, Class 3, walk

Exit to the Beach

There are also fire management trails which are suitable for walking.

When it is wet we have seen lots of sundews lining the side of the fire trails and native orchids shoot out of the ground and flower. However, it has been dry for some time.

Late winter and spring is an excellent time to walk here because of the magnificent display of wildflowers. Birding is always excellent here.

We tend to walk east to the beach, then walk north along the beach before returning via the Coastal Pathway. At other times we walk the fire trails.

Walking East to the Beach

Birds that we have seen in this section of the walk include Pheasant Caucal, Laughing KookaburrasSpangled Drongos, Striated Pardalotes, White-browed Scrubwrens, Rainbow Bee-eaters and Eastern Whipbirds. Bronze-Cuckoos can be seen and heard here in the winter.


Spangled Drongo

Striated Pardalote


Rainbow Bee-eater
Eastern Whipbird

Walking North on the Beach

While walking north on the sand, we are usually rewarded with views of Rainbow Bee-eaters and Ospreys along the treeline. Brahminy Kites can be seen patrolling along the beach.

Looking South from the Beach Access Track

Rainbow Bee-eater

Walking West on the Coastal Pathway
Take the first beach access and continue the circuit by walking west along the Coastal Pathway. When the pathway turns left continue until you return to your starting point.

Here you will walk past enclosed sedgeland where it is believed that endangered Wallum Sedge Frogs and Wallum Rocket Frogs live.

Enclosed Sedgeland
Birds that we typically see here are Red-backed Fairy-wrens, Variegated Fairy-wrens, Little Wattlebirds, Magpie Larks, Torresian Crows, Lewin's Honeyeaters, Brown Honeyeaters, Blue-faced Honeyeaters, Silvereye, Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike, Noisy Friarbirds, White-cheeked Honeyeater, Olive-backed Orioles, Australasian Figbirds, Bar-shouldered Doves, Spotted Turtle-Doves, Pale-headed Rosellas, Rainbow Lorikeets and Scaly-breasted Lorikeets. We have also seen the Common Koel; a bird that we have so far found hard to photograph.

Red-backed Fairy-wren, female

Red-backed Fairy-wren, male

Variegated Fairy-wren

Little Wattlebird

Torresian Crow, juvenile
Lewin's Honeyeater

White-cheeked Honeyeater
Australasian Figbird, male
Spotted Turtle Dove
Pale-headed Rosella

Rainbow Lorikeet

Scaly-breasted Lorikeet
After your walk sit down at one of the picnic tables for a rest in Crummunda Park you will probably be joined by Noisy Miners and Grey Butherbirds. Keep an eye out for Tawny Frogmouths camouflaged in the trees.

Grey Butcherbird.

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