We had a little bit of time to spare in Ipswich so we visited Queens Park. We drove in at Burley Griffen Drive and found that there was plenty of parking even on a beautiful day at Sunday lunchtime. There is a toilet block and several picnic tables a short walk from the car park. We noticed a small zoo called the Nature Centre that looked popular with families but as time was short we opted for a walk through the Japanese landscape style Ipwich Nerima Gardens.
Large numbers of Eastern Water Dragons were sunning themselves in the gardens and several Buff-banded Rails were dashing about the undergrowth.
Turtles and ducks were enjoying the landscaped ponds and waterways.
This female Australian Wood Duck was showing part of the white and green panel that stands out during flight.
A beautiful Pale Triangle butterfly chose an ugly muddy patch to alight on but as they usually fly rapidly it gave me the opportunity to finally take a photo of one.
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Pale Triangle Graphium eurypylus |